Backing Tracks by Key

Backing tracks by key is a section for guitarists, players and also singers who wants to practise and improve according a particular key.

Backtracks in Major and minor Keys

I based the order of my Backing Tracks by Key according to the circle of fifths, clockwise.

Circle of fifths, clear layout, high quality. Image created by Nick Neblo.
Image created by Nick Neblo

In green, outside the circle are the major keys.

In blue, inside the circle are the relative minor keys.

First, if you read the circle clockwise, each key will be five notes higher and it will increase one # (sharp) more than the previous one.

Second, if you read the circle anticlockwise, each key will be five notes lower and it will increase one ♭ (flat) more than the previous one.

Finally, you can find all my playlists on YouTube, some of which are made backing tracks by key:
